General Update


Man, I apparently have a habit of updating late at night, don't I? Anyway, it's been about 3 days since the LttP marathon, and I personally thought that it went fantastically. Daniel was a machine through the entire process, finishing it in a rather quick 6 or so hours, and giving us the most viewers in one session that I've ever had (which hasn't been too long a time frame, considering I've only been streaming since December 17th. Either way, I'm glad to see a bunch of new, cool people that I had the great fortune to interact with.

Other than that, I've been working on some website updates, and this next one brings what I believe to be a cool feature: the ability to quickly generate and throw out themes. That'll come in handy when I start doing marathons, so that I don't have to redo every page individually when I want to theme a page. The update after that will include the ability for people viewing the site to pick their own preferred theme out of the bunch; either way, I'm excited about it, and you should be too!

But with that, I should probably sign off for the day and skip off to bed


Problems with the site? Praises? Send an email to redshadowhero at gmail dot com and tell me all about it.